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mean sample
2002-04-22, 10:37 a.m.

21. Quantitative noninvasive techniques are needed for routinely assessing symptoms of peripheral neuropathies, such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The article "A Gap Detection Tactility Test for Sensory Deficits Associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" (Ergonomics, 1995: 2588-2601) reported on a test that involved sensing a tiny gap in an otherwise smooth surface by probing with a finger; this functionally resembles many work-related tactile activities, such as detecting scratches or surface defects. When finger probing was not allowed, the sample average gap detection threshold for m=8 normal subjects was 1.71mm, and the sample standard deviation was .53; for n=10 CTS subjects, the sample mean and sample standard deviation were 2.53 and .87, respectively. Does this data suggest that true average gap detection threshold for CTS subjects exceeds that for normal subjects? State and test the relevant hypotheses using a significance level of .01.

what would cause someone to write this stupid question? not hugged enough as a child? chemical imbalance? either way, i hate stats. ugh.

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