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hooray for humidity! (dance of the sauna)
2002-07-02, 10:22 a.m.

ok, so here's a greatly abridged rundown of my trip.

places: minneapolis, detroit, chicago

average temp: 95F

average humidity: 95%

duration: 2 weeks

stuff done: wedding, twins/white sox game, cubs/reds game, bachelor party, various museums/observatories/aquariums/things, LOTS of walking

states visited: utah, minnesota, illinois, michigan, kentucky

problems: airplane power goes out pulling away from the gate before cross-country flight from cincinnati to salt lake. fun stuff. immediately after start of boarding for flight from salt lake, plane breaks. i sit and watch the departure time click from 10:25 to 10:30 to 10:40 to 11:05 to 11:10 to 11:15 to 11:20 to 11:25 to 11:30 and then they finally put us on. we got in around midnight local time, after gaining an hour in time zone change.

overall gripes: my sister is damn annoying, i didn't enjoy 2 weeks captive with her around whining. she can be nice, but she needs to learn respect, patience, gratitude, and maturity. my parents also need to learn that kicking my ass out of bed before 9am is unacceptable, because they do it EVERY vacation.

ok, this is getting long, and i'm sure everyone is bored, if they haven't ditched me in my absence :P

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