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have some respect. have some pride.
2003-02-02, 12:14 p.m.

good god, when did it become so fucking cool to hate the president? it's like the trendiest thing to do right now.

you know what? al gore would be a goddamn puddle right now if we had elected him, babbling about "lockboktheth" and speaking in his bill shatner-esque tones. bush is an american. he watches football, he eats pretzels, hell, he lives in texas more than he lives in dc.

my opinions may depart slightly from his on a couple issues, but i support him. he has balls. he has a backbone. i'd do things differently, but i'm not the president and i don't have his information.

instead of hating the president, try hating the media, which spouts bad shit and speculation on a daily basis. the newspaper isn't for speculation, it's for news. how about the "political activists" who denounce every thing the president says, regardless of what it actually is?

or better yet, get a fucking clue and don't hate anybody, because there's no need. disagreement is human, and it's part of life. telling everybody that will listen that you can't believe we elected the president shows ignorance and immaturity.

thank you, and god bless america.

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