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2002-02-28 - undisputed champion
2002-02-26 - school needs to die
2002-02-25 - quotable quote
2002-02-22 - animempeg quote #322
2002-02-22 - animempeg quote #208
2002-02-22 - animempeg quote #29
2002-02-22 - animempeg quote #109
2002-02-21 - animempeg quote #228
2002-02-21 - animempeg quote #288
2002-02-21 - animempeg quote #311
2002-02-21 - much painkillers
2002-02-21 - down with irix
2002-02-18 - ;9
2002-02-15 - animempeg quote #190
2002-02-15 - much attention
2002-02-13 - bobbled landing != gold medal
2002-02-12 - no war for you!
2002-02-10 - fresca: the new oxygen?
2002-02-10 - happiness in slavery
2002-02-07 - sheltered
2002-02-05 - nite, peanut
2002-02-03 - but why?
2002-02-02 - Rx
2002-02-01 - thinking of you
2002-02-01 - zzzzzzzz

July 2003
June 2003
May 2003
April 2003
March 2003
February 2003
January 2003
December 2002
November 2002
October 2002
September 2002
August 2002
July 2002
June 2002
May 2002
April 2002
March 2002
February 2002
January 2002